Eating well and healthily

                                                                                                        Nowadays, the lack of people’s time, excess of work and a short time for lunch encourage them to forget the importance to eat well, that bring benefit for the health, enthusiasm for domestic chores, improve mood, decrease nervousness and anxiety.
Furthermore, for a healthy diet, we need a variety of ingredients in every meal,  mainly vegetables, to keep the balance between carbohydrate, proteins and fats, avoiding salty, fat foods, a lot of sugar and flour. On the other hand, fruits that you can eat with gelatin and yogurt, besides salads and fruit juice, are essential. Remember, the right is to have a three- hour interval between each meal.                                                
The best things are to use the creativity and prepare a delicious recipe, making wise nutritional choices and practicing a healthy lifestyle.
However, the correct is ‘Eat to live, don’t live to eat’, eat little and in moderation, according to your needs, forgetting bad eating habits.  This doesn’t mean eating tasteless food.

So, here it goes a tip of a healthy and tasty recipe: 

 Baked Potato:

·         * Potatoes
·         * 1 cup cottage cheese
·         * 1 cup turkey breast boiled
·         * 2 soupspoons spring onion
·         * Pepper (optional)
·        *  Salt
·         * 4 teaspoons low-cal mayonnaise

·         * Heat oven for 10 minutes
·         * Wash the potatoes, making holes with a fork and wrap with tinfoil.
·         * Meanwhile, prepare the filling mixing all the ingredients.
·         * When the potatoes are tender, remove the tinfoil, wait until it cools, and having a cut on top of the potatoes,        put 1 teaspoon of low-cal mayonnaise in each potato and the filling. If you like it, sprinkle some pepper.
·         * Serve with lettuce and tomatoes.                      
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                Posted by Priscila.

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