The Power of snacks between meals

Hey everyone, in this post i will give some tips of snacks for eat during the interval of each meal. Remember, don't stay without eat for a long time. Because?

  •    Your metabolism will decrease and burn fewer calories.
  •    When you eat can lose control eating limitless.
The essential is eating every 3 hours. Avoid cookies, chocolates, sweets, stop nibble all the time. Always choose low-cal  for the snack, thereby you don't feel full   avoiding  skip meal.

Some tips:
1 -Fruits
     Eat too much fruits can be a mistake, because a fruit salad have 400 calorie. The recommend are 3 fruits a day and avoid eating to excess the more sweet fruit, for example (grave and mango). However fruit is a important source of vitamin and nutrient, If you don't like fruit or want improve the flavored, try the fruit smoothie.
A tip of smoothie: 1 cup pineapple juice , cabbage and mint . Beat in the blender and good appetite.


2- cereal bars

Practical and efficient the cereal bars are good energy sources and suit for women modern life nowadays. On the other hand should be consumed in moderation doesn't replace any meal

3-  yogurt and a piece of white cheese.

  • Remember if you go out or has a life hectic without time always have some thing for a snack in your bag! Follow these tips


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